My twin sister and I frequent many of the same shops. But only in two of them can the confusion cause a problem.

It’s become a guessing game for the people in Palma Pharmacy and Personal Cleaners.

Everytime I walk into to Palma to pick up a prescription, Frank, the nice white haired man (without the beard) tries to guess. "Caroline," he’ll shout out as I walk into the store. "Wrong,{  I’ll say. "Louise, I’m Louise."

It’s a little game. He looks disappointed when he gets it wrong. "You fooled me again, Louise." And he’s always apologetic.

It’s important that he get it right because I don’t want to get the wrong prescription and visa versa.

Same thing at Personal Cleaners. Claudia, the beauty who works there, never knows the difference. But she never tries to guess. She just gets a funny look on her face like, I have no idea who you are. The first thing I do is give her my phone number so that she can figure it out.

"You had me fooled again," she said.

I don’t understand it. I think I look different enough from my sister. But when we’re without kids (sis has a 2-year old red head and I’ve got a nine year old brunette) they can usually figure it out.

But when we’re alone. Forget it. It’s like we’re one person — something we’ve been hearing our entire lives.

Oh well.  Maybe Frank and Claudia will figure it out one of these days.