The family that for a few years lived without a television — Hepcat actually cut the cord once night because he was so sick and tired of it — just got a 32 inch LCD high definition.

For those who are interested, we got it on sale at Best Buy. It’s a Westinghouse and it really was a good buy. Apparently, the price is going down some more next week.

Our new TV: It’s a big one and it arrived in a huge box yesterday. Smartmom and OSFO just let it sit in its box for an hour or so before cutting the box open just to see exactly how big it was.

When Hepcat got home, he unpacked the box, found the manual, and turned the thing on. There’s a whole bunch of set up that happens with a digital television. It needs to locate the signals – the stations that you get. On-screen text directs you through the process. It takes a few minutes.

For every network, there are two or three channels. One is regular broadcast, one is High Def. The High Def channels are incredible, expecially if they’re showing shows that were shot in High Def.

Our new TV is a flat screen beauty and we were utterly blown away by the reception (we’re a cableless household), the clarity, and the color.