…because of OSFO’s piano lesson with piano teacher extradoniare, Helen Richmond, who uses a room at Old First Church. Sometimes the lesson is in the Sanctuary, which is really awesome (literally) place for a piano lesson. And for me, it’s great for meditating during the lesson.

But it gets cold in there and Helen has moved the lessons upstairs to room used by the Old First Nursery School, a glorious room with a vaulted ceiling and lots of light.

There are also lots of Little Tykes vehicles, legos, a plastic toy kitchen and plastic fruit and food. All kinds of equipment for the pre-school.

The room is infused with the spirit of the kids who play there during the day. Their names emblazoned on their cubbys. Their life-sized self-portraits on the wall.

OSFO is learning to make lovely music in that room. I listen, observe the room, answer the door downstairs for the next student.

Thursday has it’s own unique rhythm.