A few of us from the building were talking today and we decided that we are going to have a yard cleaning day on Saturday.

Doesn’t that sound fun? We’ll rake leaves and bag them. Throw out (or deal with) the dead plants of summer.  I’ll bring the apple cider and banana bread (just kidding about the banana bread).

We’ll make decisions about things that have  accumulated out there, including Teen Spirit’s decorated school desk, which he found in a dumpster at PS 321 and decorated with a Sharpie. A female friend did the same on another desk (but she took hers home).

This desk is very important to him but most of the neighbors are tired of having it out there. Understandably, Mrs. Kravitz and Phizz wants it outta there. They’ve both hauled it to the curb on garbage night on different ocassions and someone (Teen Spirit?) keeps bringing it back.

Teen Spirit: if you want to save it take it upstairs and put it in your bedroom.

There was a flood in the basement the other day and a lot of stuff stored down there may be water damaged. We’ll also be tossing a lot of that stuff this weekend.

Fall cleaning and purging of stuff. Can’t wait.


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