My friend Shawn Dulaney FINALLY has a website. And it is GORGEOUS. I am so excited for her and very tempted to buy one of these mono prints for my office (it would be so hard to pick a monoprint).

I am lucky to be the proud owner of quite a few Shawn Dulaney’s. Here’s who she is:

Noted painter Shawn Dulaney has exhibited her work nationally for
more than two decades, including important venues in New York, Santa
Fe, California, Pennsylvania and Colorado.

From The New York Times (Sunday, April 27, 2003):
"Stylistically, the paintings are a cross between the atmospherically
intense seascape paintings of J.M.W. Turner, and the impulsive,
intuitive abstractions of Cy Twombly. One distinct characteristic of
Ms. Dulaney’s work is the use of poetry; enigmatic words inscribed
directly into the wet acrylic paint. A soupy, drippy texture to the
acrylic paint characterizes all these works. The exquisitely painted
surfaces of all are a pleasure to see."