This from

New York City will let its natives change the sex on their birth certificates without changing their bodies.
Old rule: You had to get sex-reassignment surgery. New rule: You need
recommendations from a doctor and a therapist, and you have to live
your "adopted gender for at least two years." Arguments for the new rule:
1) Gender is more complex than genitals. 2) Your official status
shouldn’t contradict your chosen identity. 3) You shouldn’t have to get
surgery to change your identity. 4) Some people can’t afford the
surgery. Arguments against it: 1) It’s wrong and dangerous to revise
historical facts. 2) This will become a ruse for gay marriage. 3) Some
guy already harassed women in a ladies’ bathroom, claiming to be a
lesbian. (According to the NYT, "The Metropolitan
Transportation Authority also agreed last month to let people define
their own gender when deciding whether to use the men’s or women’s
bathrooms.") Arguments for going beyond the new rule: 1) Therapy, like
surgery, is unnecessary and too expensive. 2) Why only two sexes? (For
Human Nature’s take on transsexuality and transhumanism, click here.)