This will be of interest to the real estate obsessed who read They’ve got a new design over there and the response has been mixed. In fact, Mr. Brownstoner is surveying his readers on which header they prefer. I actually prefer the old one. But I think the new, expanded space for text is a good thing.

The major change is that we removed the left-hand column and
enlarged the size of the editorial column by about 25%. We’ve already
gotten an email from Bob Marvin, who may have a year or two on our
average reader, expressing his pleasure at the fact that he no longer
needs a magnifying glass to read the text. We’ve also gotten an email
or two from people who don’t like the new look. We’re interested to
hear everyone’s feedback. Nothing’s set in stone so please let us know
what you like and what you don’t, keeping in mind, of course, that it
can take a few days to get used to a new design. (We’re not entirely
sold yet on the Arial font – maybe we should go with the font we use on
Brooklyn Record.) How many of you remember what the site looked like a
year ago?
Update: Vote on which header you prefer by clicking here.