Playwright and blogger, Judd Lear Silverman,  on his self-named blog gives a shout out for the Gallery Theater’s production of Urine Town with the disclaimer that his work has been produced there. TODAY at 3 and 8 p.m. For more information and/or
reservations, go to or call 212-352-3101.

FROM JUDD’S BLOG: I still recommend that you snap up the remaining seats for their
current production of URINETOWN. Gallery Players left the gate as a community theater years ago
and is now among NYC’s premiere showcase companies, attracting top
flight talent (and attentive audiences) to Park Slope and to it’s cozy
basement theater on 14th Street and 4th Avenue. The work is
consistently excellent and if you’ve missed a Broadway or Off-Broadway
hit (no matter how risky the subject), chances are you can catch it
shortly thereafter at Gallery Players in a sharp, highly professional
production–and for a fraction of the price you’d pay in Manhattan!
URINETOWN was the show I’d always meant to get to but somehow never did
during its Broadway run. (In brief, it’s a Brechtian send-up about a
metropolis with a water shortage that charges people to pee–and the
corruption and rebellion that ensues.) Here, it’s given a gifted
production–beautifully cast, sharply directed, well designed and
musically clean as a whistle. This Tony-winning show may not be high
art, but it is certainly witty, savvy and musically sophisticated, and
the GP production gets every drop of juice out of it (pun intended).
You will come away highly entertained.