Yesterday I was walking up Eighth Avenue and a woman asked me for directions. "Am I going the right way, I’m headed for Second Street."

She was coming from Chinatown and was visiting a friend. We walked up toward Second Street and she told me that the person she was visiting was new to the Slope. She’d moved here from Oakland, California and was single. "She’s not having an easy time meeting peopel," she said. She also asked me the names of some good restaurants. Then she asked, "What do single people do around here to make friends and meet people?"

I always think of the Slope as a friendly, community oriented place. But so much of the bonding that goes on is around schools, playgrounds and children.

I told this lovely woman to tell her friend to read OTBKB and I’d run a series for her friend called Single in the Slope. So this goes out to that woman’s friend. Of course, a lot of this depends on this person’s particular interests and personality. I do know that she’s a vegetarian

Book Clubs: The Community Bookstore is sponsoring two book clubs. Community Bookstore is on Seventh Avenue between Garfield and President. No , they don’t have a web site but they are now sending out a PDF newsletter called THE SLANT. You have to sign up for it. So ask Catherine Bohne, the owner of CB, about it. The store is also running a Music Appreciation group monthly in the shop.

Religion: The Old First Reformed Church is a lovely, very community-oriented church on Seventh Avenue and President Street. For Jews there’s Congregation Beth Elohim, Kolot Chayenu, Park Slope Jewish Center and Union Temple.

Food Coop: The Park Slope Food Coop is a great place to meet people. They also sponsor lots of events. Go to an Orientation meeting and see what it’s like.

Bars: The Gate, Union Hall and other bars on Fifth Avenue

Cafes: Cafe Regular on 11th Street between Fifth and Fourth Avenue is a nice, friendly spot.

BAM: BAM has a film club of some sort.

VOLUNTEER: There are plenty of volunteer opportunites at local Museums, libraries, schools, arts organizations and political groups.

he Junior Benefit Committee of the Prospect Park Alliance hosts great
events for Park enthusiasts in their 20’s and 30’s. Their 2006 edition of
Skating under the Stars was a great success, with the highest
attendance yet! You can also help plan future events,  contact Jessie Betts at (718) 965-8988 or

2 thoughts on “SINGLE IN THE SLOPE”

  1. Hey Sara! My thoughts exactly! I’m just recently divorced and single myself. Had a few beers at a local pub last week and I felt a little out of place (I’m not Irish!).

  2. What about newly single divorced people in their 40’s? Or generally people in their 40’s or even 50’s? The Slope is very young, young kids oriented.. Which is lovely, as I love watching kids playing and running around, but it is not so easy to meet people of that older baby boomer age group. Tips for them? What about the Montauk Club? The building looks so wonderful? Have you any idea of what is going on in there?

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