This week’s Brooklyn Reading Works at the Old Stone House on Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets at 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 19th.

Richard Grayson will read from his collection of short stories called, AND TO THINK HE KISSED HIM ON LORIMER STREET.

Leora Skolkin-Smith, author of EDGE: O ISRAEL, O PALESTINE, will also read.

Here’s what Kirkus Discoveries had to say:

"The dynamic Brooklyn cityscape serves as the backdrop in this beguiling collection of short stories. Grayson’s tenth volume of fiction introduces a multicultural multitude of characters, including a teen lesbian from Uzbekistan who works as a Brooklyn Cyclones hot-dog mascot and a gay black student whose Pakistani roommate’s pet monkey helps him find acceptance on a mildly homophobic campus.

In other stories, like ‘Branch Libraries of Southeastern Brooklyn’ and ‘The Lost Movie Theaters of Southeastern Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach,’ the author maps out memories against the geography of his beloved Brooklyn, with excursions to Los Angeles and South Florida. Grayson’s low-key, conversational prose is injected with flashes of wry wit…A funny, odd, somehow familiar and fully convincing fictional world." – Kirkus Discoveries, 4/13/06