Stone Park Cafe ( has a web site and it even has a quote from OTBKB on their restaurant review page.

Remember last year when I had a restaurant reviewer named Paul Leschen. He was such smart foodie and a great writer. I loved his stuff. Especially his survey of burgers on Fifth Avenue. Stone Park was his big FAVE.

Stone Park, the new darling of the neighborhood serves a mean-ass burger. Whew."
-Paul Leschen on Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn

I’m sorry that Paul Leschen doesn’t write for OTBKB anymore (and he’s welcome to come back anytime) but soon there will be a new Wednesday Foodie feature on OTBKB.

And it’s gonna be way cool.

Jacob, a seven year old I know, is unusually sophisticated about food and restaurants and he wants to write about  them. So coming at you next Wednesday: THE UNDERAGED GOURMET

THE UNDERAGED GOURMET will give you a child eye’s view of the Brooklyn restaurant scene. Find out what restaurants kids REALLY like and why.


  1. Stone Park Cafe is *so* ignorant. Everyone in Brooklyn knows about the personnel changes at OTBKB. Didn’t they here the BBP’s statement? Didn’t they see the front page of the Times? The fact that they still have that quote up their is laughable. I hope their food isn’t as ignorant as their web site is!

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