Bookmark my friend’s blog, Alternative Films for Kids, a great resource for unusual films that kids will enjoy. Here’s the blurb on the blog:

Welcome to Alternative Films for Kids, a browser’s guide to some
independent films, world cinema and animations that will add welcome
variety to a Disney-based diet. Not all were produced with children in
mind, but all may be enjoyed by children. If your store doesn’t carry
it, ask them to order it! Quick searches should lead to online rental
options. There are recommended age ranges here, but remember to
pre-screen for your sensitive young viewer!

Some of the films discussed on this site include: An Inconvenient Truth, Who Killed the Electric Car, The Bicycle Thief, A Portrait of the Dalai Lama, Making Grace, Primal Mind, a film about a deaf percussionist and even an animation made by my friend called, Love is Sweet. 

A great way to think outside of the box when selecting films your kids.