The Brooklyn Papers has the goods on Maggie and Peter’s new place in Park Slope. I think it’s cool that they picked a spot near Fifth Avenue.

Gyllenhaal and her actor fiance Peter Sarsgaard may have set a
record for cheapest celebrity lovenest last week, reportedly plunking
down $1.75 million for a townhouse on Sterling Place near Fifth Avenue.

The four-story, seven-fireplace lair cost Gyllenhaal about half as
much as fellow star moms Connelly (who paid $3.7 million for a Prospect
Park West mansion) and Williams ($3.6 million for a townhouse on gritty
Hoyt Street).

Personally I’m a HUGE Sarsgaard fan. He got me at hello in "Garden State" and "Kinsey." I wouldn’t mind eyeballing those bedroom eyes of his: he is really cute on screen. But it’s not like I’m gonna stalk him or anything. I plan to be ever so discreet if our paths cross on Fifth.

Clearly, they’ve got good taste in Slope streets, as well. Sterling near Fifth is a lovely block and from the sounds of it they got quite a house – seven fireplaces and all. I gather they just bought it. So hold the welcome wagon. Who knows when they’ll actually be moving in.

The four-story, seven-fireplace lair cost Gyllenhaal about half as
much as fellow star moms Jenifer Connelly (who paid $3.7 million for a Prospect
Park West mansion) and Michele Williams ($3.6 million for a townhouse on gritty
Hoyt Street).

Let’s welcome our new celebs and give them plenty of space to just be. They’re new parents –baby Ramona was born this week — and I wouldn’t be surprised if they become regulars at Gorilla Coffee or even the Tea Lounge. They’re in major nesting mode so they’ll surely be shopping at baby shops like Romp and Area on Fifth, not to mention one of the groovy furniture stores like Posey Parker or Matter. They might even join Slope Sports like Jen and Paul.

Peter and Maggie: it’s no big deal, really. We’ve got lots of celebs around here and we don’t need to get all weird about it.

Movie stars are people like us. Only richer.


  1. i think the geniuses at the brooklyn papers owe both our newly-arriving neighbors and the park slope community a huge, huge apology for the juvenile, sexist, insulting front-page article that combined an inappropriate photo and a leering headline. how would any of us feel if we were the subject of such an attack? and what kind of image does this present of our neighborhood? on top of that, it’s hard to avoid the layout, when this sorry excuse for a newspaper is littered throughout the neighborhood. anyone associated with this rag should be filled with shame.

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