The Brooklyn blog world is a-blogging about the just-launched website: BROOKLYNSPEAKS. Here from the new site:

BROOKLYNSPEAKS has been created by civic and community groups
to inform New Yorkers about the Atlantic Yards project and enable them
to ask the decision-makers only to approve a plan that works for

Atlantic Yards is a proposal by the developer Forest City Ratner to
build 16 towers and an arena on a 22 acre site in Prospect Heights.
Unfortunately, the plan has been created with no significant input
from New Yorkers, and while development of the site could be
beneficial, Forest City Ratner’s current plan won’t work for Brooklyn.
To find out why, click here.

The basic principles listed on the site are:

    1. Respect and integrate with surrounding neighborhoods
    2. Include a transportation plan that works
    3. Include affordable housing that meets the community’s needs
    4. Involve the public in a meaningful way

Gowanus Lounge says: "The group feels that the project needs to be "substantially reduced" and says that substantial reductions "might be" from 1/3 to 1/2. The group also calls for a greater proportion of genuine affordable housing and it is critical of the public process so far, calling it "deeply troubling."

For more on the site, go to  
Gowanus Lounge
Atlantic Yards Report
No Land Grab