of Brooklyn’s proposed Atlantic Yards project wanted to send a big, loud message to pro-Ratner politicians today.

But according to the Times’ blog, Election Zone, the election results actually bode well for Forest City Ratner.

The anti-Ratner team was supporting Bill Batson in the 57th Assembly District against the  pro-Yards, Hakeem
Jeffries. But
Mr. Jeffries won an overwhelming victory, about 64 to 25 percent, with
11 percent for Freddie Hamilton, another Yards supporter.

A supporter of the project, Yvette Clarke, won the 11th
Congressional District primary; anti-Yards candidate Chris Owens
appears to have finished last in the four-candidate field.

Another Yards supporter, State Senator Martin Connor, won a
relatively small but still decisive 10-point margin against anti-Yards
challenger Ken Diamondstone. Whether the margin was a function of Mr.
Diamondstone’s rough financial parity with Mr. Connor, or turnout by
dedicated anti-Yards Brooklynites, is hard to ascertain.

Congressman Ed Towns, who is generally supportive of the project,
beat challenger, City Councilman Charles Barron, who has
vocally opposed it, and Assemblyman Roger Green, who has been a key
supporter of it.

Velmanette Montgomery, an Atlantic Yards opponent who faced a challenge from former City Councilwoman Tracy Boyland, won. But apparently Boyland did pretty darn well.

According to Times’ writer and Times’ blogger, Nicholas Confessore, "Up until now, there’ve been signs of careful line-walking on the
issue by many Brooklyn politicians, in part a reflection of the fact
that no one was quite sure how potent the Yards issue would actually be
on election day. But it’s hard to imagine today’s results throwing a
shiver into any office-holder’s gut."

Wow. I really expected the Atlantic Yards issue to galvanize people to vote for politicians opposed to Ratner’s plans. It doesn’t seem to have turned out that way…