Dueling openings.

The former Mojo is set to become Tempo Presto; a chic Italian cafe, gourmet take-out and gelateria.

It’s a constant drama over there. They finally put up a fence. A homeless entrepreneur had set up shop there: a veritable department store. Clothing hanging in the back, dirty, used books, kitchenware on a dirty blanket. He slept there, too; his big belly sticking out of his shirt as he snored.

They finally took down the Mojo sign (the Carvel sign went sometime ago). They painted the exterior wall green.

Part of the fence is now down; the Homeless Entrepreneur is on a dirty white blanket by the curb; no sign of him in the last day or two. Work seems to continue inside the shop but they are nowhere close opening that’s for sure.

Across from PS 321, Sweet Melissa’s looks tidy, elegant, pretty; just about ready to open. Workers work late into the night preparing the cafe space for the curious crowds on Wednesday. The front window is papered with reviews of its Cobble Hill sister.

My bet: Sweet Melissa’s will be up and running on Wednesday as promised (on a chalk board sign board outsie the shop). Tempo Pesto: I give ’em until early October.


  1. Merri – move to communist Russia! Oh wait – it is DEAD. Fences make good nieghbors. Homeless can’t be allowed to make a mess of someone’s personal property.

  2. I was just thinking how horrible it was that the nice benched OPEN area by Mojo’s will now be fenced in, like everything else.
    So the guy set up shop there… can’t we give people a break sometimes??
    I’m for NO fence!

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