Aidan, love is the only thing that lasts forever, and even though
Daddy’s gone, I hope you will remember how much your daddy loved you
and keep that in your heart for the rest of your life.

I have tried hard to find the good to come out of losing the love of my
life. This summer, Dave insisted on buying a hat that he saw his friend
Jerry at the firehouse wearing. It read "Life is good" and for Dave it
truly was, especially in his last months.

Dave strove to live his life
fully, to love his family and friends, to feel his feelings and be an
honest and good man. I think he accomplished that. I hope everyone here
will use Dave’s life as an example. I know I will. So tell the people
around you that you love them, mend grudges, don’t stay angry with
people, and be kind. Dave did these things. His heart was as large as
his frame and I feel privileged to have called myself Dave’s wife.

-Excerpt from Marian Fontana’s eulogy for her husband, David Fontana, who died on 9/11. On September 11 at 5 p.m. Dave’s neighbors on Fourth Street will be dedicating a new plaque in honor of Dave. Fourth Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. Park Slope.

One thought on “EULOGY”

  1. My bookclub and I read Marian’s book earlier this year. It’s one of my favorite books.
    I also keep a blog. Here’s what I wrote about Marian’s book:
    Memorial Day has always been a great day of remembrance for me. After Sept. 11th, I feel honored to have such Great Men and Women in America who are willing to die so I may have freedom. On Sept. 11th, we lost so many Great People in the Twin Towers. I recently read a book written by Marian Fontana who lost her husband Dave Fontana in one of the Towers. Dave was a Firefighter in NY. Marian wrote about her life as a widow, and how Sept. 11th changed her life forever. I praise God everyday for Marian’s Husband, Dave, and the many men like him. How many people did he save to only die himself? How many lives were touched by Dave’s hand? (Marian, Thanks so much for a beautiful book. I will truly treasure your words all the days of my life. Thanks for standing up for what you believe in, and showing women every where we can make a difference. Thanks for becoming the President of the 9/11 Widows and Victim’s Family Association. I am truly proud of you.) How many lives were touched by Sept. 11th? How many lives will never be the same b/c of Sept. 11th? How many children were affected by Sept. 11th?
    How many lives are touched my the war going on now? How many of our loved ones are fighting so we can have freedom? I am a member of a small church in my community, and we even have people in the war zones right now who are loved by a member of our church. I keep reading about the war, and all the great obstacles our military faces each day. We are all touched by the war, we may not know it, but every life has been touched.
    I am Honored to call myself an American. I am HONORED to be a part of our countries past, and I am Graced with the opportunity to see our country grow. I am not saying America is perfect. I am saying we are truly blessed to be part of the Greatest Nation on Earth who has thousands of Men and Women who are willing to fight for our lives, freedom, happiness, and families. Lord, Bless, Guide, & Protect our Military, Government officials, and their families left behind. Give them Strength, Comfort, and Peace.
    This is pretty long for “just” a comment, but I think the Widows from 9/11 need to be honored as well. I am truly honored to have read Marian’s book. Please tell Marian her book is beautifully written. How do you truly tell someone a book you read completely changed your life? Marian’s book showed me a different side to life, and for that I am blessed and thankful!

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