Walking with OSFO to Hollywood Video, we noticed the lights. "What is that?" OSFO asked. Those are lights where the World Trade Center used to be.

Cool, she said. Can people see it all over the city?


One of the best views may be from the corner of Third Street on Fifth Avenue. It is easy to see above JJ Byrne Park, the Old Stone House. The Gate, the local pseudo-divey bar with the outdoor seating is an ideal place to see: The Lights.

One year, on the night of the 11th, I saw a local widow (her husband was at a meeting at Windows the morning of 9/11). She was creating an artful mosaic of old dishware in bright colors on a lampost in front of her building, a tribute to her husband. The lights were shooting up over the buildings on Carroll Street. She worked alone.

Those lights look like a hole in the sky, OSFO said. I know what you mean. I know what you mean.