This from NY 1, my source for some Brooklyn news.

Crews are working to restore power to thousands in the city left in the dark because of high winds.

Con Edison says about 1,800 customers are without power throughout the five boroughs, although since one customer could be an entire apartment building, the number of people affected is higher.

In the Bronx, about 900 customers are affected and another 650 are affected on Staten Island. Another 300 in Brooklyn and Queens are also without power.

Con Ed called in crews from upstate and Rhode Island to help get power back up.

The utility asks anyone experiencing problems to call 1-800-75-CON ED.

Ernesto blew into the city with a whimper Saturday, but it was enough to close city beaches in Brooklyn and Queens due to high wind and surf conditions.

The Parks Department says waves could be up to 15 feet high and there will be very dangerous rip currents. Police and lifeguards will be out to make sure no one goes in the water.

Beaches in the Bronx and on Staten Island are open.

The tropical depression made itself felt along other parts of the East Coast as well.

Ernesto is really beating up the New Jersey shore, where 17,000 customers lost power and there were strong winds and flooding in some beach communities.

The storm is blamed for five deaths in the mid-Atlantic states.

Hundreds of homes have been evacuated up and down the coast and more than 400,000 homes and business have lost power at one time or another.

Some spots got up to a foot of rain.