Thanks to Brooklyn Record for a quick list of blog and other coverage of the Atlantic Yards public meeting yesterday.

The same word keeps popping up in the coverage of last night’s Atlantic Yards hearing — "raucous." According to AM NY, union members and supporters of the Atlantic Yards project outnumbered its opponents by at least three-to-one. Still, Councilwoman Leticia James spoke vehemently against the project. "If this project were built, there would be far-reaching negative impacts on public health, air quality, infrastructure, waste management, noise abatement, the environment and much else," she said. The paper claimed that James "later strained to speak over the howls and booing of the crowd."

Raucous Meeting on Atlantic Yards [NY Times]
Raucous Crowd Packs Hearing [AM NY]
Raucous Hearing for Arena Project [NY Metro]
Hoop Dreams Draw a Foul [NY Post]
AY Supporters Out in Force at Epic Hearing, but Opponents Go the Distance [AY Report]