This from the NYC Dept. of Health (I was alerted to this by an OTBKB reader — THANKS) The spraying to take place Monday, August 21, between 7:45 P.M. and 6:00 A.M the following morning, weather permitting. Here’s the Dept of Heath news release. Take caution.

NEW YORK CITY – August 18, 2006 – To reduce mosquito activity and the risk from West Nile Virus, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) will spray pesticide from trucks in parts of Staten Island and Brooklyn from 7:45 P.M. on Monday, August 21, to 6:00 A.M. on Tuesday, August 22. If weather doesn’t permit, spraying will be delayed until Tuesday, August 22, or the next possible night.

The areas to be sprayed follow (also see maps on DOHMH website [1] [2]):

Brooklyn     Greenwood Heights, Greenwood Cemetery, Windsor Terrace, Sunset Park     Bordered by 19th Street to the North; 4th Avenue, 44th Street to the West; 7th Avenue, 39th Street, 12th Avenue and 36th Street to the South; Tehama Street, Albermarle Road and East 4th Street to the East.     11215, 11232

For this application, the Health Department will apply Anvil 10+10 (Sumithrin), a synthetic pyrethroid used in mosquito control efforts. A final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), completed by DOHMH in the summer of 2001, found that there is no significant risk of adverse impact to human health associated with the proper use of pyrethroids. Go to to read the EIS.

The use of pesticides in New York City is conducted in accordance with federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) guidelines.
DOHMH Recommendations to Reduce Exposure to Mosquitoes

    * Repair or replace all screens that have tears and holes.
    * Eliminate any standing water that collects on your property:
    * Dispose of containers that can collect standing water.
    * Make sure roof gutters drain properly and rooftops are free of standing water.
    * Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas and hot tubs. Keep them empty and covered if not in use; drain water that collects in pool covers.
    * Vases are prohibited in cemeteries during West Nile virus season.
    * Use mosquito repellent when outdoors in areas where mosquitoes are active. Use repellents containing the active ingredients deet, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus that are approved by the U.S. EPA and New York State for protection against biting mosquitoes. Products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children younger than three. Always read the repellents label and follow instructions for use.

Recommendations to Avoid Direct Exposure to Pesticides

    * Persons with asthma or other respiratory conditions are encouraged to stay inside during spraying since there is a possibility that spraying could worsen these conditions.
    * Wash skin and clothing exposed to pesticides with soap and water.
    * It is recommended that food sold or prepared outdoors in the spraying area be covered with a non-porous material, such as plastic sheeting, during the spraying event. Always, rinse fresh fruits and vegetables with water before eating.
    * Air conditioners may remain on, but if you wish to reduce the possibility of exposure to pesticides, set the air conditioner vent to the closed position, or choose the "exhaust" function.
    * If outdoor equipment and toys are exposed to pesticides, they may be washed with soap and water to reduce the possibility of exposure.

To report dead birds or standing water, or for more information about West Nile virus, call 311 or visit


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