Fire when it’s a "Burn Day" and the local farmers burn weeds and garbage

Crop dusters overhead spraying nearby farms with insecticides

The lonesome whistle of the Southern Pacific train just a mile from here

Rubbing alcohol for disinfecting the kitchen and dining room

That ‘cows and manure’ farm fragrance as we drive on country roads

iPod  music spilling out of my son’s headphones

Trucks whooshing by

Crickets indoors; loud

The trill of "here kitty kitty kitty, here kitty…"

Dogs barking in the distance

Cats loudly purring for food

Mariah the Goat crying in her pen – less and less now that she’s getting used to her new life

Children splashing in the swimming pool; children fighting; children chasing each other through the yard;  crying.

HC coming into the bedroom late at night after working on pictures. "It’s just me…"