On Saturday, I went to the Design Collective Market, the brainchild of clothing designer Kathy Malone, at the Old Stone House.

On two floors, more than 20 of Brooklyn’s hot, new, design stars were selling their indie handbags, jewelry, children’s
clothing, accessories, and paper and lifestyle goods.

Here’s what I got: a lovely quilted blue skirt with a red floral lining by Fofolle for 2-year old Ducky.

Lot and Lots of cool things to buy. Here were some of my faves:

–Beautiful skirts in beautiful fabrics and great t’s and tanks with appliques by Fofolle

–Loved Elaine Perlov’s clothing and her obie belts. She was featured on Daily Candy and Lucky Magazine’s Pick of the Day.

–Pretty, pretty necklaces with glass beads and baubles by Kristin Eno

–Cool name and cool stuff from Slope Suds

–Beautiful hand-screened goods by Foxy & Winston

So much more — I just don’t remember all the names. Special, special things and a great way to support local, indie talent and own something beautiful and unique in the process.

The Design Collective has a large membership and Kathy Malone has many more shows planned for this eclectic group of artisans and designers. Stay tuned for more shows.

here are the links that might not be working:

and a link to more designers featured at the Design Collective shows:
(please check back here, this will continue to be updated with more links added)





  1. Hello all! I am just trying to get the word out about the launch of my new site. I am an indie jewelry designer who crafts one-of-a-kind jewelry from vintage and anything else that I find interesting. I also carry vintage costume jewelry, a select few vintage clothing and acessory items, books and odds and ends. Take a look, you just might find something that you can use!

  2. Thanks very much for the mention. My link has a typo. A slash instead of a dot after the www. Click on my name tho and it will go right to my site.
    Thanks again!

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