Gowanus Lounge says: Money is earmarked for Gowanus clean up. Here’s an excerpt from his story.      

With sewage erupting from manhole covers and a Gowanus Conservancy forming, Sen. Charles Schumer has stashed $250,000 in the FY 2007 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill to help with Gowanus Canal clean up efforts. The money will go to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study cleaning up and restoring the 1.5-mile South Brooklyn Seine. (As opposed to actually cleaning up the canal, which is going to cost a lot more than that.)  Go to Gowanus Lounge to read more.

The funding is reported in the Park Slope Courier, which quoted Rep. Nydia Velazquez, who has secured federal funds for Gowanus community planning efforts, as saying she hopes the Big G will be transformed into “a viable source of community and economic development.”