At 5 p.m. Tuesday night, the weather channel was issuing warnings about  "severe thunder storms in our area." Kim Maier, Executive Director of the Old Stone House and I were trying to decide whether or not to cancel the outdoor movie. The sky began to clear around 5:30 and we said, ‘what the hey, let’s take a set up and see approach.’ If it started to pour at 7 p.m., we’d just pack up and try not to get hit by lightening.

By 6 p.m. Greg’s Rubbage Removal truck was already in place, the sky was clear and the humidity high. The Piper Theater troupe was rehearsing Much Ado About Nothing for their opening night Friday on the stage. We waited until they were done to hoist the screen up.

Our tech crew, 3 cool teens and a gaggle of friends, put up the cabana that houses the projector and carried all the equipment out to the lawn. Putting together the screen’s frame is like a giant puzzle. Ingeniously designed by Bob Usdin of Showman Fabricators, the aluminum pipes are well-labeled and must be attached with key clamps.

The screen itself is attached to the frame with webs and gromits. Over eighty ties were tied by a fleet of female friends of Teen Spirit, as well as the tech crew and OSFO. Meanwhile Projectionist Bill Lyons lifted up the 82 lb projector, set the sound levels, and cued up the movies.

The set up went fairly quickly and when the theater troupe was done it was time to raise high the screen.

It was so gratifying site to see people coming to the JJ Byrne lawn at 8:30 with lawn chairs and picnic baskets. One man came all the way from the Bronx because he read about the show in the New York Sun and he likes New York history and to go to new places around the city.

Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton in a silent short called "Coney Island’ with music by: The Alloy Orchestra. The documentary about Coney Island, made in 1991, was fascinating.

Watching a movie with neighbors and friends sitting underneath the Brooklyn sky on a steamy Summer night. Lovely.  Next week: Moonstruck with Cher. Short: Duck Amuck, one of the best cartoons ever made starring Daffy Duck. 8:30 p.m. July 18. JJ Byrne Park. 3rd Street and 5th Avenue. Park Slope.

One thought on “MOVIE NIGHT”

  1. There are few things I love more in life than watching a silent film outdoors with the accompaniment of a great orchestra .. Had the opportunity to see several Chapliin films at Wolftrap with the National Symphony Orchestra, but it’s been a while … Apparently, they just don’t do such things down here in my little corner of the world

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