1. What constitutes a suspicious package? People in my building were joking that there’s all kinds of weird stuff (old trunks, computers, boxes, furniture) on the streets of Park Slope that in the garbage, on the street abandoned after a stoop sale. How does the NYPD define it?

2. Why was there no coverage of this incident yesterday afternoon. The incident began at 3 p.m. and I was checking on-line all afternoon. NY1, NY Daily News, etc.

Reader Zorki writes: "The NYPD is probably supressing news coverage out of embarrassment.
Nothing on NY1, and the Brooklyn news channel (number 12
something) – and this in the land that celebrates its freedom today. So
I came to Only… thinking there must be something about that bomb
threat on the blog. Still, it’s a good thing people are becoming more vigilant about packages etc. like in London."

Reader Mig had this to say: Even Prospect Park West was blocked off when we walked by. Police only
said that "suspicious packages" had been found. They weren’t evacuating
homes, just not allowing people back to their block, a somewhat curious
mixed message."


  1. Keep up to date with terrorist information throughout the U.S. It’s a great website for those of you who are interested.
    They are aware of what happened in Park Slope. They wrote: “This news may not be accurate, perhaps it was not really a homeless man responsible, who knows. It could be viewed as a hoax, a terrorist’s dry run, or a warning with some group showing us what they could have done if they had wanted to.”
    Sign up free at is a free public service which compiles headlines of interest to those concerned about terrorism, the war on terrorism, and anything which may pose a danger to citizens of the United States and our allies. Links to other websites and news articles are provided for public interest and do not necessarily reflect the views of publishers, and do not represent any endorsement by those websites or news organizations of, no such inferences are suggested.

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