They’re showing trash at the Atlantic Gallery in Manhattan. Trash, I tell you. I got this in my email about the show that might be of interest to some of you.

I’d like to invite you to a group show titled TRASH: What We Value
and What we Throw Away, which will be opening at the Atlantic
Gallery tomorrow – Tuesday, June 27th.  The exhibit explores different
perspectives of trash – the normal disgusting nature of garbage, but
also its adaptive reuse, as any New Yorker who has picked up a chair or
bookcase on the street can tell you.  There is even a wedding dress completely made out of discarded sheet
music.  I hope you can attend this exhibit.  Additionally there will be
a panel of speakers on July 11th, called TALKING TRASH.  I’ve attached
a press release and flyer with more info.

forward this to anyone who might be interested.  The reception is from
6-8 pm, at the Atlantic Gallery, 40 Wooster St., 4th Floor.  Hope to
see you there!

Please visit the Atlantic Gallery website for more details:
You can also view my write-up here: