Panallcolor_std_2The First Annual Brooklyn Blogfest is TONIGHT: THURSDAY JUNE 22 AT 8 p.m. at the Old Stone House. Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets. THIS EVENT, A CELEBRATION OF BLOGGING BROOKLYN STYLE, IS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC! BLOGGERS AND NON-BLOGGERS ALIKE.

There will be both a formal presentation and a more casual/social component to the evening.  For most of us (readers and bloggers) this will be the first face-time we’ve ever had. For the non-blogging public, this will be a chance to learn about blogging.

8ish-9ish:  FORMAL PRESENTATION: 16 Brooklyn bloggers will speak or present photos, etc. for 2-4
minutes max. There will be a
microphone.  If you are interested in speaking there are a small number of spots still available. Let me know.

are invited to discuss and show their work.

9ish:  CASUAL/SOCIAL: There
will be tables set up, sort of like a trade show, for the bloggers. Every
blog will have a spot. Bring  your lap top, any handouts, souvenirs,
postcards you’d like to give out, books to sell, anything related to
your blog or you.

GET THE WORD OUT: Blog about it. Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and fellow bloggers

JUNE 22 at 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. The press is invited. Refreshments and door prizes. Go here:  Old Stone House   for info and directions to the house. It is located on Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets.  Questions: call Louise Crawford 718-288-4290.

Here’s who’s coming:
Brooklyn Record
Daily Heights
Dope on the Slope
A Brooklyn Life
Calla Lillie
Lex’s Folly
Joe’s NYC
Travis Ruse
Develop Don’t Destroy
No Land Grab
Atlantic Yards Report
Lost and Frowned
Gowanus Lounge
No Words Daily Pix
Left Behind
Creative Times
Smith Street


  1. We saw a piece about your meeting last night on the news. Guess the bloggers that know about this blog and are on your list were lucky. I’ve been in Brooklyn all my life and while I do not just blog about Brooklyn (I also blog about adult issues, life, love, career, fashion and lifestyle) I would have loved to have known about this. After all the publicity you’ve been getting, you might want to expand your list. In any case, congrats on the press–good for you!

  2. I guess we missed the part where you had to RSVP to get in. 2 blogger friends and I were snarkily turned away at the door as “we weren’t on the list.”

  3. Thank you for a very successful evening bringing Brooklyn bloggers together in the flesh. It was exhilarating to be in a room filled with inspired individuals driven by their passions. I look forward to joining the ranks.

  4. Lovely event along with some mouth watering watermelon! Really enjoyed the presentations and made me want to run home and post! Thanks for organizing (

  5. hmmm… wish I had been invited or told about this, given how much I have blogged about Brooklyn, oh well, can’t make it anyway, will be at the DMI event the same night.

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