Wendy Zarganis is About New York’s Brooklyn "guide." She called me up today to talk about the Brooklyn Blogfest. We had a nice chat. I may get to meet her next week at opening night of Brooklyn Film Works. She wrote the following about tonight’s Blogfest. She thinks my name is Judith. Oh well.

Tonight at 8pm: Some of Brooklyn’s best bloggers (and loyal/curious readers) will be attending the First Annual Brooklyn Blogfest.  Spearheaded by Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn, a.k.a., Judith Crawford, Blogfest looks to be a celebration of Brooklyn bloggers and their love for our favorite borough.

nationwide are interested in Brooklyn," Crawford said, "Brooklyn is in
the zeitgeist. It’s a place, but it’s also a state of mind. So much is
going on politically and culturally, it’s a passionate place."

Blogfest will be the first time many of these bloggers will meet
face-to-face, so Crawford has arranged the evening in two parts: from
8pm-9ish there will be a formal presentation with 20 or so key Brooklyn
bloggers speaking on a blog-related topic of their choice for 2-4
minutes. Then afterwards for a more social setting and to give
participants time to swap blogging successes and woes, Crawford has
arranged tables to be set up for each blog, trade show-style. Bloggers
will have handouts, souvenirs and other items related to their blog to
give away.

Participating bloggers include Crawford’s Only
The Blog Knows Brooklyn, Brownstoner, Brooklyn Record, Design*Sponge,
Daily Heights, Dope on the Slope, A Brooklyn Life, Calla Lillie, Lex’s
Folly, Joe’s NYC, Travis Ruse, Develop Don’t Destroy, No Land Grab,
Atlantic Yards Report, Lost and Frowned, Gowanus Lounge, No Words Daily
Pix, Left Behind, Creative Times,
and Smith Street

Crawford comments, "The whole Brooklyn blog movement has really progressed.  We didn’t know what it was, until it was."

According Technorati,
there are about 75,000 new blogs a day and there are about 1.2 million
posts daily, or about 50,000 blog updates an hour. And on NYC Bloggers,
there are 1,885 local bloggers listed with more being added constantly.
While Crawford, who also writes the Smartmom column for the Brooklyn
Papers, is impressed how much press and popular attention local blogs
have received, for tonight, she is focused on more practical matters.
"I’m interested to hear what they [the bloggers] have to say on a
practical level," says Crawford, "like how are you getting ten thousand

The First Annual Blogfest, The Old Stone House.
Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets. 8 pm. Free. Drinks and snacks
provided. For more info: Call Louise Crawford 718-288-4290.

Sorry you