This from NY 1.

IT’s been an institution in Brooklyn for more than half a century,
now one of the city’s most famous restaurants is in Times Square, too.
NY1’s Kristen Shaughnessy filed the following report.

You see the name Junior’s and chances are you immediately think
cheesecake and Brooklyn. But now 56 years after opening in the county
of kings, the famous eatery is making its mark as the newest lullaby on
Broadway, right in the heart of the theater district

"It’s an emotional day for me. I’m the third generation to run this
business. My grandfather and father when they opened Junior’s in
Brooklyn had theaters all around them; the Paramount was across the
street. Now we’re back in the theater district, so its almost like
history repeats itself," says owner Allan Rosen.

This Junior’s on 45th Street is a little smaller than the one in
Brooklyn with 280 seats instead of 450. There are 125 employees at the
new restaurant, and inside there’s a touch of Brooklyn.

"You got the Brooklyn Dodger room right here as you can see. We’ve
got the Cyclone over there, the Brooklyn Bridge," says waiter John

Lynn Bisogno has been a waitress for 37 years. So why did she make the switch to Junior’s?

"To better myself. This is where the money is," she says.

And even the customers from out of state quickly realized this is no ordinary restaurant.

"The desert was delicious," said one diner.

"I’m going to have a piece of cheesecake now," added another.

It’s also not everyday the mayor shows up to officially open a restaurant.