Intown500We’re renting a truck from U-Haul. It’s only $29.95 per day. The guy on the phone kept asking how many rooms we were moving. I explained that we were just parking the truck and leaning a screen against it. He still asked if we needed moving pads or boxes. And how many rooms are you moving?  The good news is: Problem solved. On to the next one. Thank you all who responded.

rooklyn Film Works: Movies Alfresco in JJ Byrne Park NEEDS TO BORROW A TRUCK – at least 16 feet long.

We won’t be driving it. We just need to park it outside of the Old Stone House and tie our projection screen to it. We need it on Tuesday night June 22 at 6 p.m. or so until 11 p.m.

If it has your name on it: it’s great advertising. If it’s just a plain white truck: you’re a mensch.

A 16′ box truck would be ideal.  A 14′ would work.  Larger is also okay, but would be hanging out more.  Most important thing is the height.  Any of these trucks that are 11′ tall or taller will do the job.

Reasons to lend your truck to Brooklyn Film Works:

1. The film festival is a service to the community.

2. If your name is on the truck: it’s great advertising!!!!

2. You’d be making a contribution to the arts in Brooklyn.

3. We will adore you.

4.  We will ply you with wine and food.

5. Helping others feels good.

6. You’re a mensch

7. We’ll look like idiots if we can’t figure out how to get this screen up.

8. Get your picture on OTBKB and a story about your heroic and generous gesture.


One thought on “WE RENTED A TRUCK”

  1. Why not Penske? It\’s closer and U-Haul has about the worst rep of any business in town.

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