I’ve been thinking a lot about what Teen Spirit is going to do this summer. As usual, we will go to Sag Harbor for a week and Northern California for much of August (visiting Hepcat’s family farm). But I’m worried about July. Teen Spirit has never gone to sleep away camp. He loved Park Explorers, a local day camp in Prospect Park, but he’s too old for that now. He talked about being a C.I.T., which I thought was a great idea but now he’s not sure.

He says he wants to hang loose. He’s talking about getting a job. Anyone have some work for 15-year-old Teen Spirit? He’s smart, interesting, into music, well read…likes computers. The only work experience he’s had is babysitting for his sister and a boy who lives a few blocks away. He once distributed flyers for the Shangri La store and he’s had stoop sales.

I found this on Callalillie. She doesn’t have kids but she was musing on what she’d like her kids (when she has them) to do on their summer vacation.

How would I like my children to spend their summer vacations?

I am not really sure, though I would love to be able to give them
experiences like those that I had. Usdan Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts exposed me to some incredibly
smart and creative people. Experiencing college campus life
(quasi-college) in high school was invaluable for me. But mostly, I
want my kids to have fun and smile and not worry about things, because
that is what summer vacation is traditionally for. And when they are
old enough, their lazy butt needs to get a job.

Anyone have ideas for Teen Spirit this summer?  Maybe I should look into that Usdan Center.