OSFO woke up at one this morning throwing up. Hepcat is generally assigned "Vomit Patrol" because (I think) he is less grossed out by puke than I am. (He grew up on a farm, afterall). I My job: offering support and, eyes closed, rubbing her back. He did a great job cleaning and disinfecting the hallway. Kudos to Hepcat. Another great shift on "Vomit Patrol."

Hepcat and I were up most of the night on OSFO-watch. For much of the night I squeezed next to her on her twin bed. She was very brave and wonderful. But, dang, I hate to see her suffer at all.

OSFO and I ended up in the living room watching a Power Puff Girls DVD.  OSFO was on the couch, I was on the floor wrapped in a quilt. By the time there was some blueness in the sky, she was feeling better.

Still, she’s home for the day…

Needless to say: Hepcat and I didn’t get much sleep. I just went out for all the "Vomit Patrol" basics, the stuff my mother used to give me when I had a stomach virus: Saltine Crackers, ginger ale, cocacola, and, for when she feels up for it, Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.

2 thoughts on “VOMIT PATROL”

  1. I read this “I was on the floor wrapped in a quilt” as “wrapped in guilt”. Because that would be me. I’m working on being able to lovingly rub a back, but still head for the hills when the stomach flu comes around.

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