An email arrived from Opera Singer Sunday evening. In it she describes watching the DVD of our high school musical, The Follies, which was given out as a reunion party favor.

I watched the DVD last night and again with the boys this morning.  The
quality was so bad, it looked like a kinoscope from the ‘50’s!  It has
the feel of something historic, and I guess for us it is.

But the
vertigo I experienced this evening – what decade is this???? was more
than a little disconcerting.  I dusted off so many old feelings. So many feelings awakened. 

I feel a little like
Dorothy returning from Oz.


The other odd thing is this feeling of there being no longer anything
for us all to talk about, since the project is now complete.  I guess
there will be photos to email, addresses to upload, and some
post-mortem Yahoo emails, but it feels like a giant, “NOW WHAT?” 

said, I also am glad it’s over. Curiosity satisfied.  Mission