15993052m_1These kind words from my friend, Mary Warren.

Mothers… this love is for you who should be celebrated every day.

I want to wish you all a warm and wonderful Mother’s Day.  I don’t know of any group of women who deserves to pat themselves on the back more than you do, ladies.  Every single day you are in the trenches, doing for your kids what they can’t do for themselves, sacrificing so that their needs are met, and, in general, kissing the boo-boos and making them all better, and keeping the bogeyman at bay.

This is not an easy task that we mothers must undertake.  Oh, no. The instruction manuals were conveniently tossed out when our adorable packages arrived in the delivery room.  What we got were crying, needy and hungry babies who grew into sweet-faced tikes with potty mouths, and tyrannical teenagers (some of us even have annoying adult children who still won’t do what we tell them to).  But they were our kids and like Play-doh, we got to shape them into whatever we wanted.  Of course, that didn’t always take, but who’s stopped trying, right.

And let’s face it, kids are selfish. It’s what they do. I know.  I’m a kid.  My mother has had to put up with my nonsense for some time now.  I am sure she would be delighted if I’d grow up and quit causing so much ruckus.  Some day I plan to grant her that wish.

The fact is my mother — just like you and just like me — wouldn’t have it any other way.  She  loves me from the tip of my flawed head to my toes.  And I am the better person for it.  I have learned so much about goodness and truth from my mother; I only hope that i am one-tenth of the mother to my son that she has been to me.  If so, my son will be one lucky kid.

A mother has to wear so many hats and they all have to look good, d*mnit.  A mother is chief cook and bottle washer.  She is a medic, a banker and a handyman.  A mother is a mechanic, an artist, a technician and a teacher.  She is a fixer-upper, a picker-upper and a giddy-upper.  What can’t a mother do?

You, ladies, my friends, my sisters, my mothers, you are all that and a bag of chips.  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I love you all.  I’m proud to be one of your club.  And I hereby commend you for doing your duty, doing it well, and doing it with love in your hearts and smiles on your faces. You’re the best.

–Mary Warren