02immig_union END THE WAR: On Saturday thousands protested the war in Iraq in New York and around the country.

END THE GENOCIDE IN DARFUR: On Sunday,  protesters shouted, chanted and sang in Washington, bringing world  attention to the  ravaged Darfur region. "When part of our community is dying, we are all dying," Rev. Jennifer Kottler of Protestants for the Common Good told the crowd in Federal Plaza. "The dying must end." They protested a campaign of destruction and displacement that has scourged Darfur since 2003, leaving more than 200,000 dead and millions homeless.

SUPPORT OUR IMMIGRANTS: Immigrants all around the country staged protests, human chains, and
boycotted work to
influence the debate in Congress over granting legal status to all or
most of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country.

So what’s planned for Tueday? A remarkable three days. Amazing.

One thought on “AMAZING”

  1. They’re not ” our immigrants “.
    The demonstrations were on behalf of intruders who broke the law, who break the law every day they are here unlawfully.
    The people of this country do not support them.

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