There was a big stink in Brooklyn yesterday (so what else is new?). Did you smell it? I, fortunately,  did not smell it,  I was away — brag, brag — in the Berkshires basking in nature, lying on a hammock, enjoying an almost perfect early spring day in the country.   

According to NY1, fiery tar is being blamed for Sunday afternoon’s propane tank explosion
on the roof of the 84th precinct in Brooklyn. Sorry I missed it (ha ha).

Fire officials say that tar being used by workers on top of the
downtown Brooklyn station house caught fire, boiled over its kettle and
set the roof on fire, igniting 3 propane tanks that exploded.

The fire was brought under control quickly. 

There were no injuries, though the tanks did go flying through the neighborhood with one landing on the off ramp of the BQE.