Today, immigrant workers will form a human chain at 12:16 p.m. from Little Italy to Union Square to  commemorate December 16th, 2005, when Congress passed a bill that
seeks to make illegal immigrants felons. This from New York 1:

Immigrant activists across the nation and in New York City are gearing
up for a boycott called "A Day Without Immigrants" tomorrow to display
the importance of immigrant workers to the U.S. economy.

Protest organizers are asking immigrants across the country to skip work, school, and even shopping Monday.

Others say if they have to work, they’ll ask for time to attend a protest or wear a white T-shirt as a show of support.

"I think this is just a start, to show the government, to show U.S.
corporations that we are important, that we are the base of the
economy, and this government needs to support that base,” Javier
Gallardo of the Latin American Workers Project said at a press
conference Friday.

Organizers say they will march from Little Italy to Union Square.
Another group says it will form a human chain at 12:16 in the afternoon
to commemorate December 16th, 2005, when Congress passed a bill that
seeks to make illegal immigrants felons.