going away for a few days. Hepcat will be holding down the home front and the OTBKB fort.  I’ve prepared a special 4-day version of Scoop Du Jour – to
keep you all on top of what’s going on in Brooklyn this weekend. There will be no other posts for the next few days. Unless Hepcat has time to post a No Words_Daily Pix.

I will be in the Berkshires
attending a workshop. It’s going to be a beautiful spring weekend
and I should have some free time  for lying on a hammock, reading, meditation, hiking, and whatever else I feel like doing.

OSFO isn’t thrilled about my going away. We’ve been talking about it for weeks. Tonight, we even had a going away dinner. Every so often she says, "I don’t want you to go!" But I promise to call every morning and at bedtime. I’ll be back on Sunday.

Four days is a long time in our lives.

I am looking forward to tomorrow’s three and half hour bus ride from Port Authority to Massachusetts. I
love the limbo – being between two points, feeling the anticpation of
going someplace different.  I am, of course, nervous about being away from the
family. But I think we’ll all survive.

Teen Spirit is disappointed that I’ll be missing his band, Cool and Unusual Punishment, at Liberty Heights Tap Room. It’s the first gig I’ve ever missed and I wish I could be a fly on the
wall. It kills me to miss it…

But I’ll be somewhere else that day. Far, far away from Brooklyn.