I had such fun at the Perch Cafe last night that I wanted to spread the word that they’re doing readings every Tuesday night. Readings begin at 7 p.m. and are followed by an Open Mic.  Last night, a 12 year-old-girl read an incredible piece of poetry about her grandmother.

P E R C H  L I T E R A R Y  T U E S D A Y S
3 6 5 5 T H A V E N U E P A R K S L O P E
F/R Train to 4th Avenue/9th Street (between 5th and 6th Streets)
W W W. T H E P E R C H C A F E . C O M
7 1 8 – 7 8 8 – 2 8 3 0

April 18 – BEATRIX GATES has published three books of poetry—the most recent, In the Open, was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist. She conceived of and was the librettist for the opera “The Singing Bridge,” and has recent work in The Cream City Review and Poems to Heal the Blues (edited by Marilyn Hacker). She is currently working on a manuscript
called Bonefire.
STEVE TURTELL’s Heroes and Householders will be published this year by Windstorm Creative
Press. His poems appear in Blood & Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard and This New Breed: Gents, Bad Boys &
Barbarians 2. He is now working on a memoir called Home Address.

April 25 – LOUISE CRAWFORD’s poems have been published online at Poetry Superhighway and Strange Road, and she is at work on a novel called Crossing the River. She has a weekly column in the Brooklyn Papers called “Smartmom,” and runs the web site Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn. She lives in Park Slope with her husband, photographer Hugh
Crawford, and their two children.
STEFANIA AMFITHEATROF, a fiction writer, will be reading from Home Schooled, a
work in progress.

May 2 – TRACY K. SMITH is the author of The Body’s Question (Graywolf, 2003), which was awarded the 2002 Cave Canem Poetry Prize, and Duende, which will be published by Graywolf in 2007. She is the recipient of a Rona Jaffe
Writers’Award and a Whiting Writers’Award. She teaches in the creative writing program at Princeton University.

May 9 – JANE E. BRODY is the Personal Health columnist and sometimes science writer for The New York Times. She is the author of 11 books, including two best-sellers, Jane Brody’s Nutrition Book and Jane Brody’s Good Food Book. She
lectures often to lay and professional audiences on nutrition and fitness, surviving cancer, heart-healthy living, alternative
medicine, and other health-related topics.

May 16 – MATTHEW ZAPRUDER is the author of two books of poetry, American Linden (Tupelo Press) and The Pajamaist (Copper Canyon, forthcoming in fall 2006). He lives in New York City, where he is an editor at Wave Books,
and teaches at the New School MFA Program in Creative Writing. EDMUND BERRIGAN is the author of Disarming Matter (Owl Press) and Your Cheatin’ Heart (Furniture Press). He also performs music as I Feel Tractor, with a CD forthcoming
from Goodbye Better records

May 30 – MARY MORRIS is the author of 12 books–six novels, including her most recent, Revenge; three collections of short stories, including The Lifeguard; and three travel memoirs, including Nothing to Declare: Memoirs of a Woman Travelling Alone and Angels & Aliens: A Journey West(all published by Picador USA). She has also co-edited with her husband, Larry O’Connor, Maiden Voyages, an anthology of the travel literature of women. The Recipient of the Rome Prize in Literature from the American Academy of the Arts and Letters, Morris teaches writing at Sarah Lawrence College. In 2007, she will publish The River Queen (Henry Holt & Co.), about her adventures going down the Mississippi River in a