This should help. Subsidies to entice math, science and special education teachers to the New York City public schools.  Biggest housing incentive ever offered by BOE.

New York City will offer housing subsidies of up to $14,600 to entice new math,
science and special education teachers to work in the city’s most
challenging schools, in one of the most aggressive housing incentive
programs in the nation to address a chronic shortage of qualified
educators in these specialties.

To be eligible for the
subsidies, teachers must have at least two years’ experience. City
officials said they hoped the program, to be announced by the city
Education Department today, would immediately lead to the hiring of an
extra 100 teachers for September and, with other recruitment efforts,
ultimately help fill as many as 600 positions now held by teachers
without the proper credentials.

Under terms of the program, negotiated with the city teachers’ union, the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
will pay as much as $5,000 up front to the recruits for housing
expenses, including the cost of moving to the New York area, a down
payment on buying a home, or broker fees and security deposits for

The program will also pay a $400 monthly housing stipend
for two years. Teachers can live wherever they want within the
metropolitan region but must commit to work for three years in one of
New York City’s toughest middle schools or high schools. The city’s
effort comes as the nation faces a chronic shortage of math, science
and special education teachers that has sparked heavy competition to
court such educators.