More news on the Neergard storefront. Last night, walking home from Writer’s Group, I saw workers installing a new front window and door.

Today I saw it. Sort of. At first I thought it was an automatic door. But I was across the street and my eyesight isn’t that great. Believe it or not, I didn’t cross the street to see.

I will do that tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “NEW DOOR FOR NEERGARD”

  1. I think the kids are right essentially because they bring the cell phones anyway. What I like about it is that the kids want it to be accepted so they do not have to do it undercover. It is rules like these and kids being afraid to test them that teach them early on that lying is the only way. Just like at work when most people have to lie an say they are sick instead of what they are truly doing to get a day off of work. All the school has to do is have a rule that cell phones are only to be used in a specific area and if used anywhere else the cell phone will be confiscated.

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