Callalillie is waxing nostalgic today. But as usual, her thoughts got me thinking. There is picture of her at nine with her best friend, who she is still friends with. I am still friends with my best friend from when I was ten. I wonder if OSFO, who is now nine, will be friends with her current best friends for the rest of her life. Hope so. (left: OSFO with Beauty Girl).

It’s a nice feeling to know that you are a piece of someone’s
continuous history. It is even more touching to realize that, at some
point, our nine year olds will most likely meet one another.
Furthermore, that concept seems almost tangible at this stage in our
lives. Perhaps one day we will stand in front of one of our houses or
apartments, line the two kids up in all of their awkward splendor, and
snap a picture like this. In some ways, it sends shivers up my spine.
An evil grin on one hand, extreme nostalgia on the other. – Callalillie



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