Smells like the Stroller Manifesto all over again. Kids and Bars. It seems to arouse a lot of controversy. Over at Daily Heights, they’re having it out about whether kids are taking over Soda Bar, a bar in Prospect Heights.

Why would anyone want to bring your kids to a
bar? wouldn’t the social time be better spent at the park, museum, zoo,
etc. maybe something that is fun for the kid and not just the parents.
bars are dark, kinda dingy with lots of weird strangers who are
drinking. If I were a kid again a bar is the last place I would want to
be. I know you don’t want to give up your social life, but it’s not just about you anymore.

One thought on “KIDS AT SODA BAR: YAY OR NAY”

  1. I’m going to say “yay”. Although I may not attempt it if the pub didn’t serve french fries. Without them my son is very badly behaved. In fact, I think the Einstein Bagel shop wanted to enforce a no kids allowed policy after my visit this morning.
    I think the manifesto is mean in a “get off my lawn” kind of way. The guy sounds really angry and it bothers me that he is policing others.

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