What’s up with this? An aricle on the front page of the New York Times about a $65 dollar table that a Carroll Garden’s resident with the name Beau Willimon found on Craig’s List.
So is that a story for the front page of the New York Times?
Actually it’s my favorite kind of story. A simple situation – buying a table on Craig’s List – that’s not so simple afterall. It includes an Orthodox Jew, a strange glass filled van filled too high and, inexplicablty: a murder.
The story takes our man Beau, who is a playwright and worked on Howard Dean’s presidential capmpaign, to Crown Heights where he meets Mr. Klein. Soon he realizes, "I’m like, this is a slightly eccentric New Yorker who I have to deal with to get this table."
Brooklyn Beau, needless to say, lives to tell the tale (and even considered writing a play about it). But Mr. Klein does not. But that comes later. It’s a strange story. Read all about it in today’s paper of record.