These words were on a laminated wake card given out at Jackie Connor’s memorial. I believe they were written by Dr. Annette Hall of St. Francis Xavier School.

Jackie Connor was an advocate for the poor, the homeless, the underpaid, the tenant, the senior citizen, the child, and the teenager. For us who knew her, Jackie was the one you called for to help you spread the news about an injustice or something that needed fixing or taking care of. She believed in solving problems through the system. She had a strong voice, which was backed by her actions. She argued for fair rent for tenants, marched to keep youth programs open, attended school hearings and join committees to imporve public schools. Jackie was relentless in her efforts to make life better for those in need. Thos who disagreed with her had a formidable opponenet. She was an advocate who people respected. Government officials knew Jackie, the police officers on the beat adored her, and the store owners appreciated her wisdom. Her neighbors loved and respected her. Jackie will be missed, but what she has done for other people will be remembered. Her energy, drive, and caring will be the force in their hearts to help them carry on.


  1. a petition to re-name the corner of 7th avenue and carroll street “jackie connor’s corner” will be presented this thursday evening to the transportation committee of CB6. if anyone would like to add their name to support this petition, there is one hanging in the front entrance of can also go to bob and judy’s coolectibles on 5th avenue between union & president or zuzus petals on 5th avenue between 5th &6th street.

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