For those of you who couldn’t make it to Jackie Connor’s memorial at St. Francis Xavier School on Sunday night, here is the program. If you have any Jackie memories to share, post them as comments. I will send to her daughter for the scrapbook.

Thank you for coming to this celebration of Jackie Connor’s life.

She  died March 7 after fighting lung cancer with the same tenacity, honesty and humor she used to battle somany problmes in the community.

Some of us knew Jackie as a remarkable wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin and friend.

To others, she was simply the "Mayor of Seventh Avenue" or "the lady on the church steps," the person you went to for help, advice, or just a good story.

Those steps seem a lot emptier now, but we’re comforted by the knowledge that so many people can’t pass the corner of Seventh Avenue and Carroll Stret without remembering all the good she did and the hell she raised.

We invite you to share some of those memories at tonight’s celebration

After a welcome from her family and some doo wop music, you can take microphone and tell a favorite story about Jackie, write down your thought for our scrapbook or post a photo.

And when you leave here tonight, we hope you’ll take up Jackie’s fight to make Park Slope, Brooklyn, and the world a better place. She may not be sitting on the church steps any longer, but we’re pretyy sure she’s keeping an eye on everyone.


  1. I just happened upon this site accidentally, and I am shocked to hear about Jackie. I lived in the slope for many years, and knew Jackie and her family from the neighborhood. She always had a funny story to tell, and I always felt better and lighter each time we spoke. I am very sorry to hear about her passing and would like to extend my sympathies and regards to Chuck, Tracy and Jamey.

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