05cover386I told you the Brooklyn real estate bloggers would be all over yesterday’s magazine section (see below).

Brownstoner has pictures and comments on Bushwick, Midwood, Victorian Flatbush, and more.  And I haven’t even seen Curbed yet.

Speaking of real estate, did anyone see my pieces in BKLYN MAGAZINE? Beverley Square West, Issue Project Room, Sculpture in a Stoop, and Perch. Check it out. I think you can read on-line if you don’t hate PDF’s.  The URL for Erin Joslyn’s site may be wrong. I am gonna check and correct ASAP right here.

From Sunday’s OTBKB:

Real Estate. Read all about it in today’s  Magazine section.

"We are our houses, in other words, and over the last decade, as prices
have soared to impossible heights, real estate has occupied a much
larger part of our conversation. This week, we devote an entire issue
to the topic of real estate and how it changes us. Some of these
transformations are about broad economic forces: how Bushwick, one of the most crime-ridden places in New York, began to be populated by trendy restaurants and artists’ lofts; how an accidental tax deduction came to be thought of as the foundation of homeownership in the United States; and one economist’s surprising views on why housing prices are so high in some cities.

They should be talking about it all week in the real estate Blogosphere…