Around here we sometimes call the Mojo the Mojuah – giving it a fancy French pronounciation like we do when we say Targe (I need an accent over the e for the Francais) instead of Target.


So today is the big re-opening day of the Mojuah. And it’s a big deal for those of us on Third Street who use the Mojuah for our daily coffee, our afterschool treats, a meeting place as in "I’ll meet you at the Mojo and then we’ll go from there…"

We are creatures of habit and we don’t like it when our favorite little routines change. So today we will find out what’s going on.

I appreciate Corey responding to OTBKB and setting things straight. Information is power, and those of us on Third Street felt a little out of the loop about our morning coffee shop.

So thanks, Corey, for clearing the air. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got goin’ in there.