Dear Vacation Diary,

Finally, the last day of vacation. Now only the weekend and OSFO will be back in school.


We’re beginning to rub each other the wrong way. How do you spell a n n o y i n g? The vacation is taking its toll. Too much togetherness. Too much F U N.

We babysat for Ducky while Diaper Diva went to Pilates. Later OSFO had a snitsky – that’s when she feels like Ducky is getting more attention than she is. That’s when she sulks (i.e. sits on a chair with her arms folded and refuses to move).

Just when we needed to leave the apartment, OSFO wouldn’t budge. So my sister and I decided to switch daughter for an hour a so. I took Ducky to Seventh Avenue. She took a much needed nap with OSFO.

When OSFO woke up she was completely replenished. Happy again. She even studied for the standardized math test.

Saturday. Sunday. Back to school on Monday. We’ve just been having too much FUN.
That’s the ticket…

Too much fun.